How do I get the fully qualified path of a share in Windows?



I know that I can find out what a drive is mapped to with:

net use X:

But how do I resolve a share easily? Like \\JoshPC\SomeSharedFolder

Is there a way to get the fully qualified path?

Josh Comley

Posted 2010-06-07T13:36:29.717

Reputation: 3 582

1It's called a UNC. – mdpc – 2013-06-25T16:55:40.423



if you want to see the full path and you have admin privs on the remote workstation then the following will work

wmic /node:hostname share


Posted 2010-06-07T13:36:29.717

Reputation: 478

I think this is what I'm after. With my example above, would that be something like "wmic \node:JoshPC SomeSharedFolder"? This doesn't work. I do have admin on the remote PC. – Josh Comley – 2010-06-07T15:41:13.430

thats a forward slash / right and no just type "wmic /node:joshpc share" this will list all paths for the shares – user33788 – 2010-06-07T16:07:38.203

also if you want to trim it do just a specific share you do the following "wmic /node:joshpc where "name like '%sharename%'" get path" – user33788 – 2010-06-07T18:33:38.373

wmic is a very powerful tool, if you can think it wmic can do it! tr – user33788 – 2010-06-08T14:50:17.220


If you are asking how to see UNCs that you have browsed to but not mapped, you can do that by typing net use without a drive letter after it.

Also, what you listed isn't a fully qualified path. For it to be fully qualified, it would have to have the domain included in the server name.

If you are asking to see what shares a server has available, you cannot do this from a client. But you can do this on the server by using net share with no other parameters.


Posted 2010-06-07T13:36:29.717

Reputation: 19 580


The "wmic" command didn't work for me but I was able to see all the shares and their absolute path (Resource) by executing this on the server that contains the shares:

net share


Posted 2010-06-07T13:36:29.717

Reputation: 255



  • A share name of E$
  • A machine name of MYmachine
  • A domain of MYdomain.local

A cross domain fully qualified mapping to a machine share would be formatted like:



Posted 2010-06-07T13:36:29.717

Reputation: 11


...and rounding out the possibilities discussed by MarkM: If you're trying to see where on Josh's PC the share SomeSharedFolder is on his hard drive, you can't do that from the client. From your perspective, the share name is the full path.

T.J. Crowder

Posted 2010-06-07T13:36:29.717

Reputation: 1 128