Participant status on shared calendar appointments is not updated


I have created a shared calendar on my Office 365 admin account, and shared it with some users.

One of the users has created a new meeting on the shared calendar, and sent it to a number of participants (all of this is inside the organization, no external users). The user has created the meeting from the Outlook Web App (since you can't edit or view a calendar that has been shard with you in the desktop app).

I have received the email confirmation that the participants have accepted the meeting in the inbox of the admin account, but on the calendar view the event still reports all the participants as not having answered. The participants have accepted the meeting from their Outlook desktop app.

What could be the cause of the meeting not updating? The user who created the meeting needs to see the participants' staus.

Carlo Giacomo Mondora

Posted 2019-10-30T11:07:40.733

Reputation: 9

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