Windows 10, how to use a PPD file for a network postscript printer?


A network postscript printer was manually configured to use the "Microsoft PS Class Driver" and it will print. However, the driver knows nothing about the printer, like resolution or duplexing (higher and possible, neither of which are represented in the "advanced" options with this driver.) The PPD file is in hand which contains all this information. Unfortunately there does not seem to be an option under properties or preferences that will accept that PPD. How on Windows 10 does one set this up? This printer has worked with that PPD going all the way back to WNT, but for W10, nope. Also following today's 1903 upgrade "add printers" no longer lists any manufacturers, only MS drivers, so picking a similar printer from that was not possible. (Note added: click the "windows update" button on the screen missing printer drivers and then Windows 10 will download and fill in the missing drivers. None named "generic postscript with PPD" though! Also, this "fill" does not persist, which is a PITA, because it takes a long time for the list to fill each time.)

Solved, sort of, at least for Windows 10 1903, until some other Windows change breaks it. See post 9 here:

In brief, install the "HL-5250DN BR-Script3" driver, then deletes is BPD and replace its PPD file with the one for the desired printer, but retain the BR5250_2.PPD name, reboot to generate a new BPD. Then make some change to the printer's device settings so that the real properties will be read out of the PPD. Finally figure out the mapping of the Brother's tray names to your printers and set up the trays appropriately.


Posted 2019-10-28T20:08:34.683

Reputation: 31

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