OS X Windows Remote Desktop Client cache location



Where are the cache file(s) located for Windows Remote Desktop Client for Mac OS X? Specifically the "allow bitmap caching" setting is saving the bitmap files to the cache somewhere.

I'm running RDC version 2.0.1 (090714)

Wavy Crab

Posted 2010-06-06T20:46:16.420

Reputation: 1 455

What problem are you experiencing that's prompting this question? – Stephen Jennings – 2010-06-09T02:45:47.517



This should be ~/Library/Caches/remote desktop connection. This folder on my system contains BMC files, same as the ones in the Terminal Services Client\Cache folder in Windows.

Stephen Jennings

Posted 2010-06-06T20:46:16.420

Reputation: 21 788

My ~/Library/Caches does not have remote desktop connection – Wavy Crab – 2010-06-12T04:29:29.140

I am running RDC version 2.0.1 (090714) and I can confirm that I have a ~/Library/Caches/remote desktop connection folder with a .bmc cache file contained therein. – ghoppe – 2010-06-14T18:11:48.063

Also confirmed with RDC version 2.0.0 – G__ – 2010-06-15T19:11:38.070

Must be something about my system, or that it's not caching bitmaps. – Wavy Crab – 2010-06-16T01:41:46.527


For Remote Desktop Client 2.1.1 on OS X Mavericks, the bitmap cache file for 24-bit color depth is:

~/Library/Caches/remote\ desktop\ connection/bcache24.bmc


Posted 2010-06-06T20:46:16.420

Reputation: 241

Is there supposed to be a space after that last backslash? – Heptite – 2013-12-29T07:38:19.887

It was supposed to be a slash. Corrected. – Rockallite – 2013-12-30T06:44:36.363