Start the week on Monday in the Clock applet in Ubuntu



When clicking on the Clock applet (Clock version 2.26.0) in Gnome (Ubuntu Jaunty) a calendar is shown. Each week starts on Sunday, but I want Monday as starting day. How can I achieve this?

Peter Jaric

Posted 2010-06-06T17:38:29.043

Reputation: 1 756



this depends on your locale.

you need to check LC_TIME change first_weekday from 1(sunday) to 2(monday)

i just googled and this seems quite a comprehensive guide:

  1. Make a copy of your locale file in your home directory
    cp /usr/share/i18n/locales/en_US ~/en_US_modified

  2. create a directory "locales"
    mkdir ~/locales

  3. open up en_US_modified in an editor, search for the section called "LC_TIME"

  4. look for the line
    first_weekday 1

  5. Change the 1 to a 2

  6. Save the file, exit your editor and go back to the terminal

  7. Run this command which will create a directory full of new locale settings inside of the "locales" directory you made in your home directory:
    localedef -c -i ~/en_US_modified -f UTF-8 ~/locales/en_US.utf8

  8. Backup your old locale settings by going to /usr/lib/locale and changing the name of
    en_US.utf8 to en_US.utf8_ORIGINAL
  9. Copy the new en_US.utf8 directory your created in your home directory in the subdir "locales" to /usr/lib/locale
  10. Restart your system

Reference: ; reformatted for superuser by me


Posted 2010-06-06T17:38:29.043

Reputation: 9 283

Wow... I'll see if I think it's worth it to go through that. If not, I'll mark your answer as accepted. – Peter Jaric – 2010-06-06T18:13:47.930

note that it will change ALL programs... unless, of course, you changed the applet run to "e.g. appletname" and then you need to make clone of a new en_US clone with the necessary changes. ehm, actually i haven't been linux for ages. this brings back my memory when i was doing locale debugging for debian potato (that is yearS ago...) – bubu – 2010-06-06T18:27:27.990

1OMG. Sorry I lol'd on this one. 2010, desktop use. :D – Apache – 2010-06-06T18:58:39.320

@Shiki: I love Linux, I run versions of Ubuntu on all my computers (work and home) and nothing else, but things like this helps me avoid becoming a fanatic :) – Peter Jaric – 2010-06-06T21:10:29.570

@bubu: There's no problem for me if it changes all programs. Here in Sweden the week starts with Monday. – Peter Jaric – 2010-06-06T21:24:52.677

@snowlord - Thats not what I meant... but canonical should speed up those papercuts/usability improvements. – Apache – 2010-06-06T21:27:58.007


Just set LC_TIME to a locale that starts its week on monday. eg: LC_TIME=en_GB.UTF-8

Make that change permanent by editing /etc/default/locale (or /etc/locale.conf on some distros)

The best way is to set your locale is on a per user setting, for example in gdm at login. If there is a specific need for more complex things, you can set the locale in /etc. Note that this will affect all users on the system.


Posted 2010-06-06T17:38:29.043

Reputation: 151

+1 LC_TIME is the thing you should change to get different display of times and dates. LANG is the environment variable that defines the language of messages to display and should have nothing to do with times or dates. – Mikko Rantalainen – 2018-03-09T11:40:29.400

The fact that cal does not follow locale is by design (see man cal). Use ncal -b if you want the same thing with correct locale. – Mikko Rantalainen – 2018-03-09T11:43:29.197

+1 because this is the easy way. shouldn't we really set LANG? anyway, I tried several locales on ubuntu 12.10, including it_IT, and all result in cal to show the Sunday as first weekday. probably worth a bug report. – mariotomo – 2013-01-30T08:49:41.773