Oracle-18c XE Reinstall in Windows-10 Issue


I did an initial installation of Oracle 18c XE Community edition on my Windows 10 Enterprise workstation. I have an Administrator account. The initial installation went normally. I am trying to also install Oracle Development Tools (ODT) to work with Visual Studio 2017 and having some issues with that integration. As a result of troubleshooting that problem, I decided to uninstall Oracle 18c and reinstall it with one of the installation options changed. When the reinstall is attempted, it gets to the part where it carries out the prerequisites analysis and reports "Administrator privileges are required for the installation" and will not proceed any further. Since I am using the same Administrator account on the same workstation as used for the original successful installation, this error must be reflective of an issue with a problematic Oracle uninstall process. I have sent requests for repeat requests for assistance to Oracle but had no response so far.

Does anyone have any ideas on what the issue might be?

Jack Pannekoek

Posted 2019-10-21T19:02:29.630

Reputation: 1

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