How can i apply zoom in/out filter on specific frame in video using ffmpeg?


I want to apply zoom filter on specific frame on video using ffmpeg.

for example, I want to make a slideshow of 5 images and each image will take 4-5 seconds for slide. In this video i want to apply zoom in/out effect on each image. So, i want to apply this effect when particular image stay for 4-5 seconds. Please see this video link. I want same result like this using ffmpeg: please refer first two slides of this link.

Axita Kathiriya

Posted 2019-10-21T06:51:08.573

Reputation: 11

So you just want one frame to be zoomed in, for the fraction of a second? Or do you want the frame to freeze for a while? – slhck – 2019-10-21T07:00:05.433

yes, i want to zoom in one particular frame of a video for fraction of a second. @slhck – Axita Kathiriya – 2019-10-21T07:08:35.960

Q is unclear. Do you want zooming animation or only a zoomed version of one frame. Edit your Q with a more elaborate description. – Gyan – 2019-10-21T09:02:49.677

i want zooming animation. and also I've edited my description. @Gyan – Axita Kathiriya – 2019-10-21T09:28:38.533

Possible duplicate of How to Generate video with zoom and image movement from one still image?

– slhck – 2019-10-21T12:39:44.287

See duplicate question. – slhck – 2019-10-21T12:39:50.183

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