TypeScript conflict with MSBUILD


I trying to build an SDK (Microsoft Retail SDK V10) using MSBUILD but I keep getting the following error:

"c:\MS_Retail_SDKv10\dirs.proj" (rebuild target) (1) ->
"c:\MS_Retail_SDKv10\Pos\ModernPos.sln" (Rebuild target) (83) ->
"c:\MS_Retail_SDKv10\Pos\App\Pos.App.jsproj.metaproj" (Rebuild target) (84) ->
"c:\MS_Retail_SDKv10\Pos\App\Pos.App.jsproj" (Rebuild target) (86) ->
(PreComputeCompileTypeScript target) ->
  c:\MS_Retail_SDKv10\References\Microsoft.TypeScript.MSBuild.2.2.2\tools\microsoft.TypeScript.targets(216,7): error MSB4064: The "ComputeOutputOnly" parameter is not supported by the "VsTsc" task. Verify the parameter exists on the task, and it is a settable public instance property. 
  c:\MS_Retail_SDKv10\References\Microsoft.TypeScript.MSBuild.2.2.2\tools\microsoft.TypeScript.targets(200,5): error MSB4063: The "VsTsc" task could not be initialized with its input parameters.  [c:\MS_Retail_SDKv10\Pos\App\Pos.App.jsproj]

I updated the TypeScript package to TypeScript 3.6.3 but now I'm getting this error:

"c:\MS_Retail_SDKv10\dirs.proj" (default target) (1) ->
"c:\MS_Retail_SDKv10\Pos\ModernPos.sln" (Build target) (81) ->
"c:\MS_Retail_SDKv10\Pos\App\Pos.App.jsproj.metaproj" (default target) (82) ->
"c:\MS_Retail_SDKv10\Pos\Extensions\Pos.Extensions.csproj" (default target) (83) ->
(FindConfigFiles target) ->
  c:\MS_Retail_SDKv10\References\Microsoft.TypeScript.MSBuild.3.6.3\tools\Microsoft.TypeScript.targets(250,8): error MSB4064: The "IsFileSystemCaseSensitive" parameter is not supported by the "FindConfigFiles" task. Verify the parameter exists on the task, and it is a settable public instance property. [c:\MS_Retail_SDKv10\Pos\Extensions\Pos.Extensions.csproj]
  c:\MS_Retail_SDKv10\References\Microsoft.TypeScript.MSBuild.3.6.3\tools\Microsoft.TypeScript.targets(247,5): error MSB4063: The "FindConfigFiles" task could not be initialized with its input parameters.  [c:\MS_Retail_SDKv10\Pos\Extensions\Pos.Extensions.csproj]

Any idea on how to resolve this confilct ?

I'm using MSBUILD version 15.9. I run msbuild command in admin mode:

msbuild /t:rebuild /p:configuration=Release

Thank you

Fred Smith

Posted 2019-10-17T11:45:49.593

Reputation: 3

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