Not able to change directory in powershell



cd  C:\Users\Rupesh Kumar\Documents

There is a space between "Rupesh Kumar" which doesn't allow me to change the directory but it is working in CMD.

Set-Location : A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument 'Kumar\Desktop'.
At line:1 char:1
+ cd C:\Users\Rupesh Kumar\Desktop
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (:) [Set-Location], ParameterBindingException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : PositionalParameterNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SetLocationCommand

green seek

Posted 2019-10-12T03:36:33.947

Reputation: 1

This just says you are just starting with PowerShell, so, please be sure to spend the needed time leading it first, to limit / eliminate confusion, misconception, bad code, errors, etc... YouTube is your friend as well as the tons of free no cost guidance, training available all over the web. Always use full PowerShell cmdlet / function names and parameters. Shorthand / aliases like you are using are fine for interactive stuff, but not scripts, and you are still bound by what PowerShell expects.

– postanote – 2019-10-14T00:32:57.013



In cmd cd is an internal command that receives an optional /D option and then treats the whole remaining command line as path, therefore it accepts spaces in the paths even without quotes. Just run cd /? and you'll see

CHDIR command does not treat spaces as delimiters, so it is possible to
CD into a subdirectory name that contains a space without surrounding
the name with quotes.  For example:

    cd \winnt\profiles\username\programs\start menu

In powershell cd is just an alias to Set-Location which accepts various parameters, one of which is the path. You can't have raw spaces in a single argument like almost all other shells, therefore you must quote it or escape the spaces like this

cd 'C:\Users\Rupesh Kumar\Documents'
cd "C:\Users\Rupesh Kumar\Documents"
cd C:\Users\Rupesh` Kumar\Documents

cmd and powershell are completely different terminals, so why do you expect them to behave the same?


Posted 2019-10-12T03:36:33.947

Reputation: 14 930


Please add single quotes for the set-location as directed above. As a coder I tend to avoid spaces if I can in everything I write in code. I opt for _ or simply capitalize with no space

German Cito Altgelt

Posted 2019-10-12T03:36:33.947

Reputation: 1