Google Backup & Sync - stop Trash?


Just wondering if there's any way of stopping the Trash function in GB&S.

I may be wrong, but it appears that when on the synched machine you modify a file that the old version of that file is then sent to GB&S's remote Trash.

This results in a phenomenon of ever-growing Trash. The only way to stop it appears to be to empty the Trash, which you have to do manually, it appears.

The folder I am synching contains about 10 GB at the moment, so it's not too much of a problem currently. But it's annoying to have to empty the Trash like this manually, and inevitably I will forget one day, the Trash will push the Cloud site over the 15GB limit, and then (silently no doubt), synching will stop.

Any solution?

mike rodent

Posted 2019-10-11T13:15:52.360

Reputation: 367

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