Can't open file via cmd in Citrix session



Some Java application try to open file for preview with windows user-default software (ex. notepad for .txt). To do this, jar use the launch line:

cmd.exe /c start "OPENNING_FILE" "\\Client\C$\Temp\test.txt"

But at startup I get an error - Access denied.

If i try run:


Same error - Access denied.

But, if i run:

notepad "\\Client\C$\Temp\test.txt"

this working - no errors.

If i run this via powershell:

Start-Process -FilePath "\\Client\C$\Temp\1.txt"

this working - no errors.

How I can open file in cmd without specify launcher app?

Vladimir Z.

Posted 2019-10-08T07:07:38.987

Reputation: 123

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