How to use cmd to move files out of redundant subfolder?


I have a large number of textfiles that are nested in subdirectories like this:


I want to remove all the unnecessary "data" folders. However, sometimes the folder is already removed (example 42).

I found this example that does what I want, but only if executed in one of the datafiles_* directories:

for /D %i in (.\*) do @move %i\data\* %i\

How can this be adopted to run through all of the directories?


Posted 2019-10-07T10:59:48.863

Reputation: 1

Check the filepath for '\data' substring presence. I.e. divide it by slash as a delimiter (FOR /F) and check pre-last variable if it is data. But I'd recommend to use forfiles for this operation. – Akina – 2019-10-07T11:43:09.907

Try this: for /D %J in ("D:\datafiles_*") do for /D %I in ("%~J\*_data") do (for %H in ("%~I\data\*.txt") do move "%~H" "%~I\%~nxH") & rd "%~I\data" (the rd command removes empty data directories); but what should happen in case a file in data has got the same name as one in the parent directory? – aschipfl – 2019-10-07T14:14:54.340

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