OBE errors when installing windows 10 on a new pc?


I have brought a new pc that had it hard drive completely wiped so I downloaded windows 10 on to it then I run through setup but it keeps coming up with OBE errors like OOBEREGION, OOBKEYBOARD,OOBNETWORKLOSSSAVERVERSIONV2, OOBELOCAL, OOBESETTINGSMULTIPAGE.

Any help would be amazing.


Posted 2019-10-02T19:31:38.910

Reputation: 9

How exactly are you trying to install Windows? That shouldn't been happening - and it doesn't happen - in a proper installation done from a properly made installation USB. – None – 2019-10-04T13:45:41.707



You can try the following: (source)

(change "newusername" and "newuserpassword" in the commands below to your own)

[when OOBE error occurs], bring up the cmd prompt with Shift+F10 and type:

net user administrator /active:yes
net user /add newusername newuserpassword
net localgroup administrators newusername /add
cd %windir%\system32\oobe

[wait 15 or 20 mins to see if it continues; power off using switch if not] [if it continues and gets you to the Administrator desktop] log off, and log into the "newusername"

run lusrmgr.msc and disable the Administrator account;

[delete any other user account(s) (i.e. not called newusername) that were created or orphaned during the failed setup due to the oobe errors].


Posted 2019-10-02T19:31:38.910

Reputation: 2 956

This is a brand new pc with no operating system so I cannot acess the admin settings. – T.E – 2019-10-02T20:18:39.543

OOBE is windows setup "out of box experience." – Yorik – 2019-10-02T20:19:28.710

Yes it is. Are you able to help? – T.E – 2019-10-02T21:15:12.680