AIX syslog does not start after changing default port for remotely sending logs


On an AIX 7.2 machine I need to send the syslogs on a different machine and as instructed I have added my log server ip address in the /etc/syslog.conf file like this:

kern.debug;mail.debug;daemon.debug;syslog.debug;uucp.debug;local0.debug @

Now I need to configure this to use a different port rather than the default 514/udp one to 601/tcp so I went and changed this line in the /etc/services file:

syslog                  514/udp         #


syslog                  601/tcp         #

Did a refresh -s inetd; stopsrc -s syslogd; sleep 2; startsrc -s syslogd even if I'm pretty sure that only refresh -s syslog should suffice and observed by issuing a lssrc -s syslogd that syslogd service is inactive.

Now I cannot debug this as I don't have any logs being generated anymore and my errpt doesn't show me anything either.

If I switch back to the 514/udp port the syslogd service will start up correctly.

Also tried to add the port number after in the /etc/syslog.conf file like this:

kern.debug;mail.debug;daemon.debug;syslog.debug;uucp.debug;local0.debug @

but even if the syslogd is running, I don't see any change in logs being transmitted to the log server.

I do see 2 syslog-conn service being listed in the /etc/services file that point to the same 601 like this:

syslog                  514/udp         #
syslog-conn      601/tcp                # Reliable Syslog Service
syslog-conn      601/udp                # Reliable Syslog Service

but couldn't find anything related to this syslog-conn in IBM's documentation.

The output of netstat -an | grep 514 is udp 0 0 *.514 *.*

I can manualy connect usign telnet to using port 601 from my machine.

So why I still cannot start the service using port 601 for syslog and finally, what should I do in order to receive logs to the AIX server.

Stan K

Posted 2019-10-02T14:00:27.150

Reputation: 25



In my opinion, AIX's syslog just don't know how to work in TCP. That's why it refuses to launch. The old syslogd from Linux don't implement TCP logging too (see "Remote Logging" section on this manpage)

To get your logging stack working with TCP, you'll probably have to use a more modern implementation like syslog-ng


Posted 2019-10-02T14:00:27.150

Reputation: 320

Well, switching a service from udp to tcp is a massive change in terms of how the receiver needs to work, and is not insignificant on the sender either. Changing a config file won't magically produce the necessary code. – user1686 – 2019-10-02T14:58:02.773