Changing Openstack Keystone admin endpoint


I installed Openstack (using the Ansible-based install method) and my endpoints are:

  • public:
  • admin:
  • internal:

However, I need to change the 'admin' endpoint to the same IP used by the 'public' endpoint in order to perform admin tasks from a remote OSM. I've done so by editing the database in the Galera container and restarting both Memcached and Keystone. After these steps I'm able to see that the 'admin' endpoint has changed (e.g., using 'openstack endpoint list'). I've also edited the admin endpoint parameter within /etc/keystone/keystone.conf in the Keystone container.

Sadly, when I add the VIM (my Openstack server) to the remote OSM I receive the following error:

Not possible to get_images_list from VIM: ConnectFailure: Unable to establish connection to ('Connection aborted.', BadStatusLine("''",))

If change the IPs the other way around, thus declaring the 'public' endpoint to use the 'admin' IP, everything works fine.

Any ideas why this may be happening? How can I change the admin endpoint throughout all the Openstack containers/services?


Posted 2019-10-01T12:54:00.437

Reputation: 1

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