How to resolve maven-javadoc-plugin warning for missing javadoc-bundle-options/package-list file?



When generating the JavaDoc Java archive resource with the maven-javadoc-plugin, the following warning is displayed:

[WARNING] javadoc: warning - Error reading file: /maven-javadoc-example/target/javadoc-bundle-options/package-list

I have checked the Apache Maven JavaDoc Plugin mojo page:

I have checked the debug information with -X flag:
mvn javadoc:jar@main-javadoc -X

I have checked the Oracle Java Tool page (JDK12):

I suspect it has something to do with the fact that I have a Maven project setup so that I can compile production code against JDK8 whilst still being able to run/compile test code against JDK11 (when I remove the configuration for the Maven Compiler plugin, the warning ceases, though the warning does appear in other projects that only compile against JDK11).

Here is a minimal Apache Maven POM to reproduce this warning (Note that you will have to have at least one Java class source in the source path):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""


        <!-- Settings: maven-resource-plugin -->

        <!-- Settings: maven-compiler-plugin -->



Is there a way to resolve this warning will still having a single Maven module that compiles production code and test code against (possibly) two different JDK APIs?


  • Changing the JDK and/or %JAVA_HOME% doesn't resolve this issue.
  • Adding/removing a file doesn't resolve this issue.
  • Added the reason for suspecting compiling against two different JDK APIs might be the cause of this.
  • Fixed execution definitions so that JavaDoc doesn't through an error when compiling/packaging/javadoc against JDK8.

Osmund Francis

Posted 2019-09-26T15:44:44.760

Reputation: 243



What worked for me was removing the source and target tags from the Maven compiler plugin general configuration, and placing them in a new execution configuration.

Here is the POM:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""


        <!-- Settings: maven-resource-plugin -->

        <!-- Settings: maven-compiler-plugin -->



Osmund Francis

Posted 2019-09-26T15:44:44.760

Reputation: 243