Prompt doesn't scroll/clear until window resizing (using gdb/cgdb in bash)



I'm just learning to write C, and I have been having this problem while using gdb/cgdb. It's really annoying, to the extent that it discourages me from using the debugger entirely. I'm using WSL for my terminal, and this happens in both local/ssh environments.

The problem: When I launch cgdb/gdb (in the images without any files passed in, but doesn't matter), I get


The issue is at the last line. It doesn't give me any clean space to write commands.

When I type something (I wrote abcdefghi), it gets written on top of the last line as if you're doing "insert" like this:


But then if I manually resize my terminal window even by a few pixels horizontally or vertically, the last line shifts to what should have looked like at the first place:


And the same issue happens again with the abcdefghi I wrote when I try putting in another command.

I tried searching around and I could not locate where the issue is coming from. I checked shopt | grep checkwinsize and confirmed that it's on. Ctrl + L will do the job only very temporarily, because soon as I write another command same issue happens.

Please help me locate the issue / fix it. Much appreciated!


Posted 2019-09-24T02:43:07.233

Reputation: 11

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