How Do I repeat a calculation until I cross a threshold in Google Sheets


I have a Google Sheet I'm using to evaluate financial goals. In this sheet, I have 8 cells. The first two cells are used to enter parameters that are used by the formulas in the other cells.

The first cell is a parameter that generates the result in cell 7. The second cell is a threshold I want to reach. Basically, I want to take the value in cell 1 and increase it by 1 until the result seen in cell 7 crosses the value in cell 2. An example looks like this:

  A                        B
1 Current Total            $10000
2 Target Amount            $1000
3 Current Amount           =DIVIDE(B1, 100)
4 Result A                 =PRODUCT(B3, 0.35)
5 Result B                 =PRODUCT(B3, 0.50)
6 Result C                 =PRODUCT(B3, 0.15)
7 TOTAL                    =SUM(B4:B6)
8 Total Needed             ?

Using the example above, I want to create a formula that increases the value B1 by 1 until the value in B7 crosses the value in B2. I want to put the amount used to cross the threshold in cell B8.

I would prefer to do this repeat operation "behind the scenes" so only the result appears in cell B8. I don't want to show all of the "work". Is there a way to do this in a Google Sheet? If so, how?


Posted 2019-09-23T12:06:29.213

Reputation: 1

2Provide some hand-made example with the source data and the result view which you want to achieve. – Akina – 2019-09-23T12:27:58.803

@Akina - I added a simplifed version of what I'm trying to do. Thank you for your help. – Learner – 2019-09-24T12:54:16.287

B8=(B2-B7)*100... and if replace B1 value to OLD(B1)+B8 then B7 =B2. – Akina – 2019-09-24T13:16:11.023

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