I think my question applies to "computer software", if not, please tell me.
So I set up a WebDav mount so i can load my password-database with keepassxc without any problems. Now I want to backup the specified file (whichs path / name stay the same all the time) one time per day, preferably the earliest time it can. I already set up the needed script.
echo "[`date`] Doing an automated Backup of my KeePass-File... ({,[BACKUP DRIVE]Backups/KeePass/Keepass-`date +"%Y-%m-%d"`.kdbx})" >> [LOG FOLDER]/keepass-backup.log
chown [USER : GROUP] [LOG DIRECTORY]/keepass-backup.log
/bin/cp [SOURCE DIRECTORY]/current.kdbx {,[BACKUP DRIVE]/Backups/KeePass/Keepass-`date +"%Y-%m-%d"`.kdbx}
But i wasn't able to find out, how to run a job automatically as i want it. But however, i was able to find out about a folder named "/etc/cron.daily", which seems to run one time per day, which would be okay too, even if it wouldn't be the first time possible. But it doesn't seem to work. I found out that a service named "anacron" would be responsible for these folders. It was preinstalled on my Manjaro x86_64 Gnome, but i didn't do anything to configure it.
I would be happy about a tip or even a solution :)
You did everything quite alright until you got stuck using the
– None – 2019-09-21T19:09:47.713cron
Software Utility. Read how to usecron
and use crontab expressions in order to schedule your task.