MP3s served to XBox 360 on FreeBSD?


My music library lives on my FreeBSD server, mostly in "Apple Lossless" M4A format, but with MP3s mixed in. My laptop accesses it via AFP.

What can I use on FreeBSD to share the music with my XBox 360?


Posted 2010-06-03T12:49:52.490

Reputation: 826

Someone on IRC suggested "Coherence" -

– chrish – 2010-06-04T19:43:55.763



I used FUPPES for this for a while:

Since it's not under ports, here's my notes from when I did it, these were almost all installed using the ports system w/ the default settings.

  • Install Subversion (svn) or make sure it's already on your system
  • FUPPES installation steps

    • install lame
    • install ffmpeg
      • make sure xvid is checked
      • installed vorbis automatically
    • install taglib - extracts id3 tags and such from media files - needed to support virtual folders
    • install ImageMagik - image scaling and support
    • install sqlite3
    • install mpeg4ip - extracts metadata from mpeg4's (installed a LOT of extra packages I wasn't too keen about)
    • install libuuid (e2fsprogs-libuuid) - needed for XBOX 360 since it's picky about UUIDs
    • install libiconv - charset converter (NOT just iconv!)
  • use the steps below to download the fuppes sources and build/install it:

$ svn co fuppes

$ cd fuppes/

$ autoreconf -vfi

$ ./configure --enable-video-transcoding --with-lame-dir=/usr/local/include LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib

$ make

$ build fuppes

$ install fuppes

LDFLAGS was needed in the configure step because libmp4v2 could not be found without it when I did it.

Then go here for how to configure/use it:

Josh W.

Posted 2010-06-03T12:49:52.490

Reputation: 173


You could try using FUPPES media server or uShare.


Posted 2010-06-03T12:49:52.490

Reputation: 179