Windows 10 user profile 5.4 GB normal?


I just noticed today that I have a user profile of 5.4 GB. Is it normal to have such a huge profile?

This is Windows 10, profile under System\Properties\Advanced.


Posted 2019-09-15T07:15:34.397

Reputation: 41

Question was closed 2019-09-15T09:36:04.403

1Why do some people wear red shoes? Whats normal for some, is not for others. – Keltari – 2019-09-15T07:49:12.747

@Keltari: Your comment only makes sense if you assume that OP already knows that the profile stores all of their personal files, and not just internal Windows data. – user1686 – 2019-09-15T08:08:31.493

Yes, it's normal... also not sure why moderators have marked this as opinion-based, considering it's a fact the %UserProfile% directory will reach well over 10GB, let alone 5GB. Any that believe this question is opinion based, please execute the following powershell command: cd ~ ; $totalsize=[long]0;gci -File -r -fo -ea Silent|%{$totalsize+=$_.Length};$totalsize – JW0914 – 2019-09-15T13:39:59.047

Asking if anything is normal is unanswerable. – Moab – 2019-09-15T13:47:24.610



Can it be normal? Definitely! It all depends on what you as a user put in there. If you keep your movie collection in your profile, 2TB could be considered normal. Is it normal for a brand new, still unused profile? Probably not.

It's good to know what windows keeps in your profile. It's basically everything that's personal to you as a user such as:

  • Your personal settings
  • Your document libraries such as documents, videos, pictures, etc.
  • Whatever data or cache your installed software decides to put there.
  • Applications and apps that are installed in your user profile instead of the Program Files folder such as some versions of Chrome.


Posted 2019-09-15T07:15:34.397

Reputation: 27 374