Elasticsearch services error


I have the following environment: SW. Centos 7 HW -> Server02 (logstash) --- 9200 ---> Server01 (kibana + elasticsearch)

I have installed elasticsearch release "7.3.1"

The system works correctly in local curl -XGET 'localhost: 9200 /? pretty'

But if I test the communication about IP it fails curl -XGET ''

Refuset connection

I've been looking at web examples to configure it. I have changed the following parameters cluster.name: tests node.name: elk01 network.host:

When I make the change of network.host does not start elasticsearch.

Has anyone encountered the same problem? You have a configuration example that works


Posted 2019-09-12T11:10:01.000

Reputation: 1

Hello The solution is: cluster.initial_master_nodes: name of the mater node

As indicated in this link: https://discuss.elastic.co/t/problems-with-access-to-elasticsearch-form-outside-machine/172450

Since the configuration changes in version 7 of elasticsearch

– marotaal – 2019-09-12T11:26:58.843

1You can post that as an answer, but please use proper formatting to make it readable. – gronostaj – 2019-09-12T11:52:47.803

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