How to prevent a person B to kick of person A remote desktop connection, on Windows?


Person A and Person B use the same non-admin Windows user account to start remote desktop connection. Person A starts remote desktop connection and works on a document. When person B then starts another remote desktop session, it kicks-off (terminates) previous remote desktop connection established by person A, even without any warning. How can I prevent that? (I wish to set that another person cannot terminate previously established remote desktop connection without explicit permission by person who started connection first...)


Posted 2019-09-10T12:32:26.330

Reputation: 1

Depending on the host you're connecting to, you should be able to run 2 remote sessions. 1 in the admin console, and another as a domain user. Why not just give the users domain accounts remote access? – spikey_richie – 2019-09-10T13:02:38.420

Not going into details, but those two users must use the same Windows non-admin user account. Running two or more concurrent sessions for the same Windows user account is also not an option. The question is how to prevent person B to terminate already established remote connection by person A. – zlatko – 2019-09-10T13:11:36.037

1What is the OS version? – Ronaldo – 2019-09-10T15:37:12.607

Is this on Windows Server? – harrymc – 2019-09-10T17:02:42.150

Yes, Windows Server 2016 – zlatko – 2019-09-10T18:59:18.157



Remote Desktop/Terminal Services has two settings for multiple sessions: You can either allow multiple sessions per user (in which case if you log in twice, you'll get two sessions), or force a single session per user (in which case you can only log in once and subsequent sessions will be redirected to the original session).

To change this setting:

  • Start 'regedit.exe'

  • Navigate to the following registry key:

  • If the value fSingleSessionPerUser doesn't exist, create it as DWORD

  • The fSingleSessionPerUser values are as follows:

    • 0x0 : Allow multiple sessions per user
    • 0x1 : Force each user to a single session
  • Enter the new value and click OK.


Posted 2019-09-10T12:32:26.330

Reputation: 306 093

Hi, I wish to allow only single session per user. But, the problem is that if person A first starts remote session for the Windows user X, and then person B starts new session for the Windows user X, new session terminates the previous one. I need it opposite way - that user B cannot start new session while user A is connected. I hope this clarifies the essence of my question. – zlatko – 2019-09-10T20:35:19.137

Try in gpedit to go to "Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Remote Desktop Services\Remote Desktop Session Host\Connections" and enable "Restrict Remote Desktop Services users to a single Remote Desktop Services session" and reboot. The documentation isn't very clear on what is the difference between Not configured and Enabled. If this does not make a difference, then I don't know of any other solution. – harrymc – 2019-09-11T06:11:47.157