Prepopulated AWS Access Key ID when creating a new profile?


A new counter-party has provided me with an AWS S3 Access Key ID and a Secret Key so I can send files to them.

I was expecting to run

$ aws s3 configure 

and enter those values when prompted.

However, when I run $aws s3 configure I get this

AWS Access Key ID [****************WXYZ]

when I was expecting this


AWS Access Key ID [None]:

Amazon Read Me


When running aws s3 configure for a new instance should the Key ID value already contain something?

Am I taking the right approach to add a new profile to existing profiles?


Posted 2019-09-09T16:22:02.903

Reputation: 1 075



If you want to create a new profile, you need to use the --profile option. To create a profile for your new foobar profile which you've named aws_foobar

$ aws configure --profile aws_foobar

By doing this the value for Key ID and Secret Access Key are blank

AWS Access Key ID [None]: FOOBAR_BLAH_KEY_ID...
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: blah...blah....AccessKeY
Default region name [None]: 
Default output format [None]: 

See Creating Multiple Profile Section Here


Posted 2019-09-09T16:22:02.903

Reputation: 1 075