Error while connecting MySQL Workbench SSH tunnelling with AWS EC2 (Linux -Free tier)


First what I have done so far


  1. In Security group given 3306 port access for all MySQL/Aurora:
    Inbound config for linux instance

  2. Created a .pem key and saved it.


I am able to connect to MySQL (5.7) using PuTTY

  1. Created new user: create user 'admin'@'localhost' identified by 'xxxxxxx';

  2. Granted all the permission for DB: grant all privileges ON db.* to 'admin'@'localhost';

  3. I am able to login using new user admin and new pass mysql -u admin -p

  4. Changed /etc/my.cnf; added bind-address= (tried with and without):
    my.cnf iamge

MySQL Workbench

  1. Tried SSH hostname:

    • a. x.x.x.x:22
    • b. x.x.x.x
    • c. DNS endpoint :22
    • d. DNS endpoint
  2. Tried SSH Username:
    • a. ec2-user (as suggested by AWS)
    • b. ubuntu
  3. MySQL host name:
    • a. Port no
    • b. localhost Workbench setting:
      Configuration for Workbench
      I have mixed all the possible combination of above. but still getting this error:

Please resolve the issue.


Posted 2019-09-08T21:55:44.720

Reputation: 11

1I have done my best to format your question and clean things up a bit. Please edit the question to more clearly state the problem (don't just give a screenshot), and what you've tried to resolve it. – Tim – 2019-09-08T22:53:02.247

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