ElementaryOS Grub issue Boot Repair failed


I'm trying to dual boot ElementaryOS alongside Windows 10 on a Lenovo Yoga. Previously I had Ubuntu 16 installed, and wanted to replace it with ElementaryOS.

I ran the ElementaryOS installer through a boot USB (with UUI) and the install appeared to complete successfully, but upon booting the computer I was faced with an a grub bash console instead of the grub UI (basically the problem described here: Fix GRUB/EFI Boot partition after deleting Ubuntu but I don't understand how to follow the instructions provided in the response).

I did some googling around and found that I could try booting ElementaryOS from USB and and then running boot-repair with the recommended setting, (the problem I faced was exactly what is described here: https://itsfoss.com/fix-minimal-bash-line-editing-supported-grub-error-linux/) however upon installing and running boot-repair, it cancelled itself with the error "grub-efi-amd64-signed purge cancelled. Please report this message to boot.repair@gmail.com". How do I fix grub/boot-repair so that I can boot normally again?

I also created a BootInfo summary if that would assist anyone in helping me: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/v5FpZZSkm8


Posted 2019-09-08T17:39:40.843

Reputation: 1

1See line 180. Your Ubuntu UEFI entry is trying to boot from a partition that does not exist. You may be able to edit to sda6's UUID and have Ubuntu entry work. Did you use Elementary with Boot-Repair? It seems that grub repository did not match, so Boot-Repair did not want to reinstall grub, which would also update UEFI & grub's configfile in ESP. – oldfred – 2019-09-08T18:41:43.213

I did use elementary with boot-repair. How would I edit sda6's UUID? And how would I get grub's repo to match? – rfblue2 – 2019-09-10T00:47:13.347

From live installer you have to mount the ESP, your sda2 as FAT32. And then use editor to edit Path you used to mount & /EFI/ubuntu/grub.cfg. But path will be where you mount it plus standard location in ESP. See #5 but mounted in #2. https://askubuntu.com/questions/1001426/how-to-remove-separate-boot-partition-on-uefi-system Link also shows chroot which may let you reinstall grub. But Boot-Repair normally has you do a chroot. Was Internet working when you ran Boot-Repair? if not use wired Internet, not WiFi.

– oldfred – 2019-09-10T03:28:53.867

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