Google Sheets - how to consolidate multiple (constantly updating) sheets into one


I have a Google Sheets workbook with ~20 sheets. I want to create a new first sheet as a 'Master' which is a consolidation of the other 20. The sheets are all for different people and contain their name, qualification and date achieved.

For example if I had the following 2 sheets:


Bob |First Aid |01/01/2019

Bob |Safety |10/01/2019


Tim |First Aid |01/01/2019

Tim |Fire Hazard |15/01/2019

The Master sheet would look like:


Bob |First Aid |01/01/2019

Bob |Safety |10/01/2019

Tim |First Aid |01/01/2019

Tim |Fire Hazard |15/01/2019

This is easy enough to do by just referencing the cell or using =importrange, however the sheets will be added to and I want the master to update automatically.

I believe =importrange might work, but it wont allow me to reference an entire column (i.e. A2:A)

Does anyone know of a good solution? The only thing I can think of is to add some blank rows at the end of each individual sheet that can be updated to, but this won't be good enough long term


Posted 2019-09-06T13:17:14.387

Reputation: 1

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