InitializeSecurityContext failed with SEC_E_DOWNGRADE_DETECTED


I have a question. There's a client and server apps. Client connects to server using kerberos authentication, the client need to retrieve a token from the server - it invokes InitializeSecurityContext function of SSPI API (

The InitializeSecurityContext function invocation failes with SEC_E_DOWNGRADE_DETECTED exception (message: The system cannot contact a domain controller to service the authentication request. Please try again later.

The client machine is in Windows domain, the user is in this domain, it's possible to ping the domain and all its controllers. The domain is also displayed for a network adapter (vtm.local domain). network adapters

Could you help me? What's the reason of the problem? Why is SEC_E_DOWNGRADE_DETECTED?



Posted 2019-09-05T08:29:13.417

Reputation: 103

1Could you check the communication between client and KDC using Wireshark? – user1686 – 2019-09-05T08:32:43.743

@grawity, thank you for you question. I will check it. – wazz – 2019-09-05T08:57:19.597



It was my fault. The InitializeSecurityContext function was invoked with incorrect target principal. It was obvious after monitoring tcp connection between client and domain controller by wireshark tool.


Posted 2019-09-05T08:29:13.417

Reputation: 103