Our VoIP provider is giving us cnam services via Enum. We built a PDNS-Recursor server to comunicate with the provider. The way the callerid is returned by the provider does not match the format our VoIP systems are used to. I need to change the format the name is returned to us. Not sure how to go about doing this. According to the DNS records page below, there are only Name, Place, TTL, and type that can be changed. https://doc.powerdns.com/recursor/lua-scripting/dnsrecord.html
My response from the provider is as follows
;; ANSWER SECTION: 86400 IN NAPTR 100 10 "u" "E2U+pstndata:cnam" "!^.*$!pstndata:cnam/+12223334444;charset=us-ascii,Smith, John!" .
I need to be able to change Smith John to John Smith, and in some cases we want to customize the result like make John Smith be John Doe.
How can I go about doing this? What is the name of the field where the callerid is? If I knew that then I should be able to change it, but could not find it in your documentation.
I have tried to print out all the fields of the response but can’t seem to get this working either. I keep getting the error below
“localhost pdns_recursor[5269]: STL error ( from Unable to convert parameter from string to N5boost8optionalIiEE”
function postresolve (dq)
pdnslog("This is PostResolve Unaltered at this point")
pdnslog("postresolve called for ",dq.qname:toString())
local records = dq:getRecords()
for k,v in pairs(records) do
pdnslog(k, v.name:toString(), v:getContent())
return false;