Remote server Ubuntu desktop and Windows Desktop


I have a question about installing Ubuntu Desktop or Windows 10 (Desktop version) on a remote server (VPS). My question is if it's possible?

Because I don't have physically acces on the server to put a .iso USB-stick. What i did now is that I have installed Ubuntu server and in the commandline I installed XFCE, it works but the desktop version of XFCE sucks, Ubuntu or Windows would be better.

Hope to hear soon foks!


Posted 2019-08-28T17:59:53.147

Reputation: 1

I have no idea what it is that you are asking. Are you able to clarify? – Señor CMasMas – 2019-08-28T19:39:23.430

Hi, oke. I just want to install Windows 10 on a remote server. – legend27 – 2019-08-29T15:44:02.300

Is this Azure? AWS?.. how you go about getting windows 10 to run on it depends on who is hosting it. – Señor CMasMas – 2019-08-29T22:18:06.147

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