Shared E-mail Domain Name


This topic is at the fringe of my wheelhouse, and I'm having trouble getting a clean answer, or figuring out where to look and what question to ask.

Is it possible to have multiple email systems share a domain name? It seems yes, but the answers imply I'll need access to a robust exchange server or other infrastructure to pull it off. I don't have that infrastructure.

Details: My web host is using RoundCube as their same-domain email tool. This seems somewhat-tightly coupled to the website itself. Roundcube is fine, but limited.

I would like to use Outlook and Office 365, but I want the domain name to match the website (and therefore the RoundCube email's domain).

For example = a Roundcube email address. No Outlook features. = an Outlook email address. Full Outlook 365 features.

Hopefully this makes sense!


Posted 2019-08-24T19:34:25.113

Reputation: 101

RoundCube, Outlook and Office 365 are just front-ends for the email server. So, assuming the email server for has IMAP enabled, you should be able to connect with any client you like (assuming the client is configured correctly and the email provider gives you that information). – Anaksunaman – 2019-09-10T20:16:34.897

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