How to calculate the RTP Packet Loss for an IP Camera in FFMPEG?


To calculate the RTP Packet Loss, we referred to

It uses rtsp.h header and this file functions are not exposed. The only exposed headers in /libavformat when compiling FFMPEG are avio.h, libavformat.h and version.h as mentioned in the below link.

When ffmpeg API av_read_frame() is called, it internally creates a thread to read RTP packets and prints the RTP packet loss data as info logs ( For this, it uses ff_rtp_parse_packet and rtp_parse_queued_packet API calls) ffmpeg is utilizing RTPDemuxContext for reading the RTP packets and calculating RTP packet loss and it is not providing any interface to access the RTPDemuxContext as it is private.

As the ffmpeg internal functions are static and not accessible, please let us know how to proceed.


Posted 2019-08-20T11:24:37.577

Reputation: 1

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