Mac 600% CPU usage by java & heavy I/O use from deleted app


After downloading "MCreator" to start into coding again, I ran into heavy problems. A process called "java" is using 600% CPU constantly, fans are running at max. Please see the screenshots below:

Thank you for your help in advance!.

Screenshots of the process:

screenshot1 screenshot2 screenshot3

David Kurz

Posted 2019-08-17T22:39:40.883

Reputation: 1

Have you tried terminating the process? – DavidPostill – 2019-08-17T22:49:35.323

yes, didn't do anything. I didn't force quit though; should I attempt that? – David Kurz – 2019-08-17T22:57:45.167

by the way: the program which causes the high CPU is deleted. files from the trash are still controlling the java process though, somehow – David Kurz – 2019-08-17T22:58:09.457

1Yeah, try force quiting. – DavidPostill – 2019-08-17T23:27:05.580

"Deleted app" => NOT UNINSTALLED. Is it possible to move it back from "deleted files (restore files)? If yes: Then "Do the right thing" -> uninstall. – Hannu – 2019-08-18T06:29:59.410

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