RewriteCondition with ProxyPassMatch


We have a configuration we are using cms and springboot application. Apache is responsible for handling all the requests. All of the requests are served on port 80 both for springboot and cms.

We have segregated both the app by using redirection rules. Below is an example:

For CMS Rules are:

ProxyPassMatch ^/cpresources/ ! ProxyPassMatch ^/cmsresources/ !

For Springboot app:

ProxyPassMatch ^/(.+)$ https://URL/$1

so , basically anything other than cms are redirected to the URL We wanted to add capability of detecting the browser language and redirect to the correct cms page. But in this case , with RewriteCond we can't use ProxypassMatch.

How can we detect brower language and make it serve via CMS app on apache.


pooja joshi

Posted 2019-08-13T12:50:42.190

Reputation: 1

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