Using find to cp million files from remote to local machine


I have 1.2 million files in a folder at a remote location. I am connecting to the remote location through VPN. The path to the files location is as follows:


I have a folder in my local machine at /home/mycomp/xmls

I am trying to use find to copy all the files from remote location to my local folder. I used the following code:

find hatari@ -maxdepth 1 -type f |head -10 |xargs cp -t "/home/mycomp/xmls/"

This gives me an error "find hatari@": No such file or directory

I tried creating a tar file of the folder in remote location and copying to local machine. Since the size of the tar.gz is around 14G I could not complete the copy operation.

I also tried splitting up the tar file into 1G each and cat ting locally, but it ended up with some tar errors.

How do I copy million files from remote location accessed through VPN to local machine.


Posted 2019-08-12T05:43:21.993

Reputation: 101

VPN is a layer that is not relevant here, I guess. hatari@ looks like a path scp would understand; find has no clue. If you're trying to copy files one by one, scp may be your solution, albeit it can be slow with so many files. Tarring them is a very sane idea. You said "I tried creating a tar file in remote location". I understand you have access to the console of the remote server (like with SSH). Please confirm ([edit] the question). What were these "tar errors" exactly? – Kamil Maciorowski – 2019-08-12T06:44:09.247

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