Is my atom editor working correctly for R?


I'm new to using text editors for coding. I installed ide-r, atom-language-r in atom and the languageserver package in R as required by ide-r. However, I'm not sure if they are working correctly, for instance there doesn't seem be any difference whether I disable or enable ide-r, also when I type in 'print' it would be autocompleted to 'plot'. Is there something wrong?


Posted 2019-08-10T20:07:12.343

Reputation: 1

You probably already know this, but you can use R-Studio and/or R-Studio Server. The R programmers I know tell me that's pretty good. – Samuel – 2019-08-23T04:38:14.627



Yes, as you have mentioned, the steps you have followed are correct for starting the R language in the Atom Editor. R must be started in your Atom Editor. For further queries, you can go through the following link. IDE-R package in Atom Editor

Ishan Shah

Posted 2019-08-10T20:07:12.343

Reputation: 81