VirtualBox - Lenovo X260 - VM machine not working


I have issues creating/hosting VM Machine OS : RHEL 7.6 Laptop : Lenovo X260 Oracle VM Version : 6.0

I Start the machine and nothing happens . I found some errors in the log .

VirtualBox VM 6.0.10 r132072 linux.amd64 (Jul 12 2019 12:58:59) release log Log opened 2019-08-06T16:51:28.274646000Z Build Type: release OS Product: Linux OS Release: 3.10.0-957.27.2.el7.x86_64 OS Version: #1 SMP Tue Jul 9 16:53:14 UTC 2019 DMI Product Name: 20F5S9H501 DMI Product Version: ThinkPad X260 Host RAM: 7227MB (7.0GB) total, 6218MB (6.0GB) available Executable: /usr/lib/virtualbox/VirtualBoxVM Process ID: 15411 Package type: LINUX_64BITS_EL_7 Installed Extension Packs: None installed! Console: Machine state changed to 'Starting' Qt version: 5.6.1 X11 Window Manager code: 2 SUP: Loaded VMMR0.r0 (/usr/lib/virtualbox/VMMR0.r0) at 0xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - ModuleInit at XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and ModuleTerm at XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX SUP: VMMR0EntryEx located at XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and VMMR0EntryFast at XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Guest OS type: 'RedHat' GUI: UIMediumEnumerator: Medium-enumeration finished! X Server details: vendor: The X.Org Foundation, release: 12001000, protocol version: 11.0, display string: :0 Using XKB for keycode to scan code conversion GUI: UIDesktopWidgetWatchdog::sltHandleHostScreenAvailableGeometryCalculated: Screen 0 work area is actually resized to: 0x28 x 1366x706 File system of '/home/joelj/Downloads/rhel-server-7.6-x86_64-dvd.iso' (DVD) is xfs File system of '/home/joelj/Desktop/VM/RedHat/Snapshots' (snapshots) is unknown File system of '/home/joelj/Desktop/VM/RedHat/RedHat.vhd' is xfs Shared clipboard service loaded Shared clipboard mode: Off Drag and drop service loaded Drag and drop mode: Off ************************* CFGM dump ************************* [/] (level 0) CSAMEnabled = 0x0000000000000001 (1) CpuExecutionCap = 0x0000000000000064 (100) EnablePAE = 0x0000000000000001 (1) HMEnabled = 0x0000000000000001 (1) MemBalloonSize = 0x0000000000000000 (0) Name = "RedHat" (cb=7) NumCPUs = 0x0000000000000001 (1) PATMEnabled = 0x0000000000000001 (1) PageFusionAllowed = 0x0000000000000000 (0) RamHoleSize = 0x0000000020000000 (536 870 912, 512 MB) RamSize = 0x0000000040000000 (1 073 741 824, 1 024 MB) RawR0Enabled = 0x0000000000000001 (1) RawR3Enabled = 0x0000000000000001 (1) TimerMillies = 0x000000000000000a (10) UUID = "e4 0f ab da 7d e5 28 40 b2 eb 99 1b 64 55 53 72" (cb=16)

[/CPUM/] (level 1) GuestCpuName = "host" (cb=5) NestedHWVirt = 0x0000000000000000 (0) PortableCpuIdLevel = 0x0000000000000000 (0) SpecCtrl = 0x0000000000000000 (0)

[/CPUM/IsaExts/] (level 2)

[/DBGC/] (level 1) GlobalInitScript = "/home/joelj/.config/VirtualBox/dbgc-init" (cb=41) HistoryFile = "/home/joelj/.config/VirtualBox/dbgc-history" (cb=44) LocalInitScript = "/home/joelj/Desktop/VM/RedHat/dbgc-init" (cb=40)

[/DBGF/] (level 1) Path = "/home/joelj/Desktop/VM/RedHat/debug/;/home/joelj/Desktop/VM/RedHat/;/home/joelj/" (cb=81)

[/Devices/] (level 1)

[/Devices/8237A/] (level 2)

[/Devices/8237A/0/] (level 3) Trusted = 0x0000000000000001 (1)

[/Devices/GIMDev/] (level 2)

[/Devices/GIMDev/0/] (level 3) Trusted = 0x0000000000000001 (1)

[/Devices/VMMDev/] (level 2)

[/Devices/VMMDev/0/] (level 3) PCIBusNo = 0x0000000000000000 (0) PCIDeviceNo = 0x0000000000000004 (4) PCIFunctionNo = 0x0000000000000000 (0) Trusted = 0x0000000000000001 (1)

[/Devices/VMMDev/0/Config/] (level 4) GuestCoreDumpDir = "/home/joelj/Desktop/VM/RedHat/Snapshots" (cb=40)

[/Devices/VMMDev/0/LUN#0/] (level 4)

anonymous coder

Posted 2019-08-06T17:05:50.310

Reputation: 1

Is your Virtualbox up to date? Could you please try another OS/image (for example CentOS)? – Aulis Ronkainen – 2019-08-06T18:08:38.850

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