Haskell Stack hangs on GHC installation, then fails


I recently tried to use Stack, and ran into an issue where whenever I try to setup a project, it starts to download GHC, runs smoothly (but very slowly, ~1% / 3 seconds), and at a random point it hangs. It stops downloading, and if I wait long enough it exits saying Network.Socket.recvBuf: does not exist (No such file or directory). I am on Windows, and using a public network.

What is weird about this is that sometimes it will stop at only 2% completion, while it has gotten all the way to 72% before stopping as well. Additionally, after turning on --system-ghc, it was able to download msys2 without any problem, making its inability to download GHC even more strange.

Originally I was using the Haskell Platform, so I uninistalled everything and reinstalled Stack my itself. This did not fix anything, so I also installed the rest of the platform again.


Posted 2019-08-06T03:16:03.750

Reputation: 1

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