Windows: Registry: Can't associate a file with a verb


RESTORED to original question as well as I could, 7/27/19 1:08 PM

I've created the following .reg file to add a shell verb 'Build PGL File' for .pgl files. The verb should run Firefox with a command line.

After double-clicking this .reg file, the keys and values are merged into the Registry. But right-clicking a .pgl file in File Manager shows a 'Build PGL File' verb that has no file association.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


@="PGL Document"



@="firefox.exe doit.php?%1%"

David Spector

Posted 2019-07-26T18:05:26.230

Reputation: 111



In the registry, navigate to:


and delete the UserChoice subkey.

Keith Miller

Posted 2019-07-26T18:05:26.230

Reputation: 1 789

No subkey. Deleted the .pgl key. Did not work. No effect. – David Spector – 2019-07-27T16:19:47.380


I suppose you want to navigate to


when you right-click a .pgl file and then click on an item in the right-click menu that says for example : Go to springweb

This can be achieved as follows

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\VBSFile\Shell\Start url]
"icon"="\"C:\\Program Files\\Internet Explorer\\iexplore.exe\""
"MUIVerb"="Go to"

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\VBSFile\Shell\start url\command]
@="\"C:\\Program Files\\Internet Explorer\\iexplore.exe\""

In your case, VBSFile must then become PGLFile.

Search for it under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT must then become http://localhost/springweb/springweb.php

this will be opened in IE

MUIVerb will display the name Go to springweb in the context menu.

"MUIVerb"="Go to" change Go to to Go to springweb, or whatever you want.

If you leave out "MUIVerb"="Go to springweb"

then Start url will be displayed.

Dr RedAnt

Posted 2019-07-26T18:05:26.230

Reputation: 84

Yay! This opened IE to the path nicely (I will have to change it to open FireFox). Amazing magic, thanks. – David Spector – 2019-07-27T16:26:56.627


I have solved this problem, with the help of Dr RedAnt .

Here is the correct solution, with backslashes doubled (stupid .reg file format):

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\PGLFile\Shell\Start url]
"MUIVerb"="Build PGL File"

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\PGLFile\Shell\Start url\Command]
@="\"C:\\Program Files\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe\" http://localhost/springweb/springweb.php"

David Spector

Posted 2019-07-26T18:05:26.230

Reputation: 111

I can't get changes to the Command subkey to be seen by Explorer. Does it have a cache? – David Spector – 2019-07-27T17:33:04.873