Change the color of "=[{+" etc. in Atom output


Say I have an error in Atom. It prints out the message, but my background is dark and a lot of the symbols (e.g., +, {, [, =, etc.) are dark blue, making it really difficult to see.

Is it possible to change the dark blue to, say, light blue?


Posted 2019-07-24T10:34:32.323

Reputation: 101

Are you using any extension for coloring? – Biswapriyo – 2019-07-24T12:02:02.470

I dont think so - I started using Atom (from Spyder) two days ago. – CutePoison – 2019-07-24T12:39:33.373



Click on File > Style Sheet option and add these line at last:

atom-text-editor.editor .syntax--keyword.syntax--operator {

Change the color as you need. Those symbols are called operators. The syntax--operator option can be found in Developer Tools (Ctrl + Shift + I). With this method, multiple options can also be combined through hierarchy. For example, the following style makes operators in Red and double quoted strings in Blue. Colors can also be in Hex color.

atom-text-editor.editor {
  .syntax--keyword.syntax--operator {
 .syntax--string.syntax--quoted.syntax--double {

Source: Atom Discuss: Why logical operators are not colored in one dark syntax theme


Posted 2019-07-24T10:34:32.323

Reputation: 6 640

Thank you - how do you changer colors of other classes (say strings)? Is there some kind of cheat-sheet? – CutePoison – 2019-07-26T12:48:31.400

@CutePoison As I said you can get those values from Developers Tools. For strings that will be atom-text-editor.editor .syntax--string.syntax--quoted.syntax--double. – Biswapriyo – 2019-07-26T13:00:22.990