Apache2 on Raspbian suddenly stopped working


I've been running Apache2 on Raspbian for years now trouble free. Today I started tidying things up and all of a sudden I can't access my webserver - not even locally.

It stopped right after I disabled file sharing on another PC on the network. I think this is just a coincidence. I did, however, install realvnc server on the raspi today as well so that may be related (firewall issue?)

I ran sudo systemctl status apache2 and this is the result

udo systemctl status apache2 -l
● apache2.service - LSB: Apache2 web server
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/apache2)
  Drop-In: /lib/systemd/system/apache2.service.d
   Active: active (running) since Sun 2019-07-21 20:51:46 PDT; 35min ago
   CGroup: /system.slice/apache2.service
           ├─ 671 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
           ├─ 691 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
           ├─ 692 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
           ├─ 693 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
           ├─ 694 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
           ├─ 695 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
           └─1097 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start

Jul 21 20:51:43 raspberrypi apache2[519]: Starting web server: apache2[Sun Jul 21 20:51:43.979575 2019] [proxy_html:notice] [pid 665] AH01425: I18n support in mod_proxy_html requires mod_xml2enc. Without it, non-ASCII characters in proxied pages are likely to display incorrectly.
Jul 21 20:51:43 raspberrypi apache2[519]: AH00557: apache2: apr_sockaddr_info_get() failed for raspberrypi
Jul 21 20:51:43 raspberrypi apache2[519]: AH00558: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message
Jul 21 20:51:46 raspberrypi apache2[519]: .
Jul 21 20:51:46 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started LSB: Apache2 web server.

I'm not sure if this means that it's running or not.

I've rebooted the Raspi, I've tried sudo service apache2 restart a couple of times, I've tried sudo /etc/init.d apache2 start but it brings up all the command line choices.

This is way out of my wheelhouse so any help diagnosing this would be appreciated


Posted 2019-07-22T04:54:27.130

Reputation: 1

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