Using an AWS server to pull, transcode and push a RTSP to RTMP video stream


I need advice on setting up AWS to push-transcode-pull a video stream.

I tried to setup an AWS box with an image for a "VXG Video Server" but it didn't work out. Turns out that what I wanted to do wasn't possible with that image.

I don't have a Raspberry Pi, but I'm sure this can be pull-transcoded-pushed in the cloud. Can I setup an AWS server to do the following? Does anyone know what images I could use to achieve this?

  • I have a webcam that pushes out at an RTSP (h264 video, PCMA audio) stream.
  • I want to push this to YouTube via a RTMP address (as you would a normal YouTube live stream).
  • I need to pull and push this, and transcode it because YouTube only takes AAC/MP3 audio.

Harry F.

Posted 2019-07-15T09:20:36.170

Reputation: 1

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