Configure rpyc server to run gui based application on windows remote machine


I'd like to run Windows gui based process that opens messageBox on remote machine.

The medium for running the remote command is rpyc and the flow looks like this from the client side :

proc = self._connection.modules.subprocess.Popen(cmd, creationflags=creation_flags, shell=True)

where self._connection is from type:

<rpyc.core.protocol.Connection 'conn1' object at 0x0000000004B0AE80>

and on the other side I simply activated the rpyc server:

c:\Python27\Scripts\ --host=""

where self._connection is from type:

However, on the remote machine I cannot see the messageBox, but process that suppose to create it is successfully spawned.

I guess it's relate to the fact that my process runs from the server side under rpyc process (which is python.exe) ?

I've checked that the process is running on current logged-on user.

Perhaps it's some sort of rpyc configuration that I'm missing here ?



Posted 2019-07-14T13:30:39.827

Reputation: 111

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