Win 10 pressing alt+ctrl+shift+win key installs MicrosoftOfficeHub packet to a system and launch it


How to disable this behavior? I tried to uninstall from "Add or remove program", after this office hub disappear from list of installed apps, but if I press buttons from the subj. It just come back and launches the office hub again. I have win10 with the latest updates from stable channel.


Posted 2019-07-14T05:06:03.403

Reputation: 101



Take a look at this page

Maybe you can delete the app with powershell.

Scroll down a little to 2: Uninstall My Office with a PowerShell

You can find Windows Powershell (this is for Windows 8) at the following address :

C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\System Tools\Windows PowerShell.lnk

Run Windows PowerShell.lnk as Administrator

The provided command at the site is :

Get-AppxPackage *officehub* | Remove-AppxPackage

Good luck

Dr RedAnt

Posted 2019-07-14T05:06:03.403

Reputation: 84

Same result - after successful uninstall if I press alt ctrl shift win it installs in a second and launches :( – Arkaha – 2019-07-15T12:27:10.973