IIS Multiple FTP Sites


I am in need of multiple FTP sites on the same server, to handle multiple application environments.

I have:

  • Added IP address to Advanced TCP/IP Settings in control panel
  • Added DNS entry to point at new IP
  • Created FTP site (tried with host name and ip)
  • Enabled basic authentication at IIS and Site level
  • Created a new local user
  • User does NOT have to change password on next login
  • Password never expires
  • Account not locked
  • Allow user authorization on FTP site
  • Giver user permission on the physical location of the FTP site

When logging in to the FTP site I get 530 User cannot log in. Login failed..

This lead me to double, triple, and quadruple check the password. As a test I opened the command prompt and did a runas /user: using the new local user account and was successful.

I've tried everything I could think of and everything I could find. What am I missing?


Posted 2019-07-11T14:39:32.240

Reputation: 1

Did you restart the Microsoft FTP Service in Windows services console on the server, after you'd made the changes? – Kinnectus – 2019-07-11T14:53:40.130

I believe I did, but I tried again just to be sure. The issue persists. – gregnnylf94 – 2019-07-11T15:01:37.703

what do your logs show? Also, do you users have NTFS access to the directories they're FTP'ing to? – Kinnectus – 2019-07-11T15:03:07.750

Does IIS (IIS_IUSERS) have permission to access these folders? Are the folders inside C:\inetpub\ftproot? – harrymc – 2019-07-11T15:14:54.097

My user does have NTFS access to the directory, however I'm not seeing anything being logged. I see the activity from the the original FTP site, but not my new one. – gregnnylf94 – 2019-07-11T15:17:26.567

IIS_IUSRS didn't need permissions for the original, but giving IIS permissions to the directory made no difference. The folders are not inside c:\inetpub\ftproot, I have set the FTP physical path to another location. This is also how the original is setup, which works. – gregnnylf94 – 2019-07-11T15:59:44.030

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