Create a symbolic link in a mapped drive in Windows 10 - access is denied


After struggling for an entire day, I'm afraid I need to ask this question again because none of the solutions proposed in this forum seems to work.


I need to create a symbolic link to a folder in a mapped drive from a different directory on the same mapped drive. I always get "Access is denied".

Note 1: I can create local to local symbolic links.
Note 2: I can create local to remote symbolic links.
Note 3: I can NOT create remote to local symbolic links.
Note 4: I can NOT create remote to remote symbolic links.


I'm working on a laptop, connected via VPN to my employer's network, and RemoteDesktop to the workstation that I operate. All run in Windows 10.

  • I have User rights on the laptop.
  • I have permission to create symbolic links on the laptop.
  • I have "fsutil behavior query SymlinkEvaluation" ALL enabled (L2L, L2R, R2L, R2R) on the laptop.

  • I have Admin rights on the workstation.

  • I have permission to create symbolic links on the workstation (redundant to having Admin rights).
  • I have "fsutil behavior query SymlinkEvaluation" ALL enabled (L2L, L2R, R2L, R2R) on the workstation.

  • I have permission on the mapped drive set to MAX.

  • I have set the UAC to "never"
  • The mapped drive is mapped in both the laptop (reminder: User rights) and the workstation (reminder: Admin rights)


I've tried to do the same from inside the network (not using the VPN) but the outcome is the same: "Access is denied".


Posted 2019-07-11T09:52:02.107

Reputation: 1

1Hi, Welcome to SuperUser. Can you please explain what you tried, and how. – Moshe Gross – 2019-07-11T12:42:47.890

So on which computer is this happening? – harrymc – 2019-07-11T20:17:55.207

This is happening on the workstation. The only thing I use the laptop for is accessing the workstation - but now I'm wondering if the laptop's setup is playing a role here. – Nakasone – 2019-07-12T05:46:44.283

@MosheGross after setting everythin as explained above, I try creating the symbolic links via CMD typing "mklink /D <link> <target>". As I point out, the method does work for local, not for remote drives. – Nakasone – 2019-07-12T08:06:14.130

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