Performance issue in a system with better configuration


I am running one line code on my laptop which is taking around 45 minutes whereas same line of code on same dataset is taking less than 2 minutes on another laptop. Below are the configuration of my laptop/other one and resource utilization of both laptops during the run of code. Please suggest why my laptop performance is so poor and if I can do anything to make it better.

My Laptop- For full specs, please visit

For comparing both processors, please visit at

My Laptop details- 1TB HDD, 128GB SSD, 8GB RAM, 4GB GPU Processor- Intel(R) Core (TM) i5-8300H CPU @2.30 GHz 2.30 GHz Utilization: Memory - 42% , CPU- 22%, DISK- 0%, NETWORK- 0%, GPU -0%

Other laptop- 1TB HDD, No SSD, 8GB RAM, 4GB GPU. Processor- Intel(R) Core (TM) i5-8265U CPU @1.60 GHz 1.80 GHz Utilization: Memory- 61% , CPU- 3%, DISK- 0%, NETWORK- 0%, GPU -0%

Deepti Gupta

Posted 2019-07-10T12:56:37.507

Reputation: 1

Sorry, but those specs are very hard to read and compare. Also, I don't understand what "All kind of memory sizes are same and 4GB GPU" means. You can [edit] your question to improve it. You should also add information about hard disk types (HDD or SSD or hybrid/SSHD). – gronostaj – 2019-07-10T13:11:13.603

@gronostaj- Thanks. As per your suggestion, I have just updated my question with more details. – Deepti Gupta – 2019-07-10T13:34:27.540

Pull up a task manager and see whats causing the bottleneck. My guess +and cant do more then that) is that the command is processing a large data file which is located on SSD on the fast machine and HDD on the slow one.(or swap/paging file is on swap vs ssd) – davidgo – 2019-07-10T18:50:21.553

@davidgo, in task manager it was showing "Python" as the most consuming resources process which I was running for code. I tried by moving file from SSD to HDD and still facing same challenge. Any further guidance would be really helpful. – Deepti Gupta – 2019-07-11T09:57:53.887

You misunderstood me - I was suggesting looking at whether the disk UI was very high or CPU, so you can work out what the bottleneck and narrow the problem space. – davidgo – 2019-07-11T10:00:07.747

@davidgo, I have included the resource utilization of both laptops in my query. Although my CPU utilization was higher(22%) but I also tried by reducing it to 3% with no gain. – Deepti Gupta – 2019-07-14T18:38:24.497

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