What are possible causes of the Preemptive_OLEDB_Release state?


I'm having a problem with a SQL-Server (SQL Server-2012) of mine. Without any kind of forewarning I suddenly get more and more connections that get the state Preemtive_OLEDB_Release. After a short time this jams the server so that not a single sql statement manages to get through any longer. That is until a restart is made.

This phenomenon has happened a few times over the course of a handful of weeks now. And when I tried to look this state up.....I came up with nothing aside from finding an article that this state is undocumented.

Now I'm a bit at a loss and need to narrow down on what to look for. Thus it would intrigue me if there is anything known about the possible causes (and thus what one can do to avoid) this state.


Posted 2019-07-10T11:31:20.130

Reputation: 279

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