I am trying to run a VM using Hyper-V from a Macrium mrimg file. I can successfully boot up a VM from this image using Hyper-V, and log into the machine on my corporate domain, so this works great.
However, once the VM is shut down, I can't restart it. I keep getting the message:
The application encountered an error while attempting to change the state of 'Mark Virtual Machine'
Checkpoint operation failed.
Production checkpoints cannot be created.
Cannot take checkpoint.
Is there a way to be able to stop and start the Hyper-V VM coming from a Macrium image?
What options did you use when setting up the VM (generation, disk types, etc.) Do you have any pass-through disks setup in the VM? How are you shutting down the VM? – Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007 – 2019-07-09T20:21:42.103
@Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007 the VM is created in Macrium viBoot. The options in there are not the same as those in Hyper-V. I was able to change the Name, Startup RAM, number of processors, and network adapter. In Hyper-V it shows that a SCSI controller hosts a virtual hard drive. I shut down the first VM by clicking "Save". The second VM was shut down by a power outage over the weekend. Both "methods" resulted in the same situation described above. – djv – 2019-07-09T20:55:30.237