LinuxMint 19.1 & Cinnamon keeps on crashing & after rebuild Cinnamon does not work


This is my first question here, thought I have always sought answers for the issues here. I have installed LinuxMint 19.1 Cinnamon 64Bit. I had not issues using XFCE4, lately I just migrated to Cinnamon and having issues with Cinnamon. The interface does not allow me to change backgrounds, and none of the applications work -- after the mouse click on an application the output is none. The applications do not pop up. I checked all the logs and could not find any things there. I erased all the . (dot) files etc to no effect. Where should I be looking around for some clues as to why this is not working. At the same time when I login into XFCE4 it works fine without any issues. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks


Posted 2019-07-09T16:15:20.367

Reputation: 1

1It sounds like maybe you originally installed the Xfce version and then you added Cinnamon to it? If so, that's not always easy with Mint. When you add another DE on some other distros, you get what you would get if you had originally installed that version of the distro. So picking a different DE at log-in gives you the full, working experience. Mint isn't like that. What is in the version, as distributed, is a big collection of packages, customizations, and integration. To add the DE manually isn't trivial. (cont'd) – fixer1234 – 2019-07-09T21:09:12.813

1There's a Meta package that contains a lot of the basics, but the only way to match the distro's implementation is to look at all of the bundled packages in Mint's implementation, match everything that isn't optional or utilities you don't need, and verify that there aren't dependency conflicts with what you already have. Even doing that can leave a buggy implementation. With Mint, you're better off just installing both versions and multi-booting unless you have the skills and experience of a maintainer. – fixer1234 – 2019-07-09T21:09:19.370

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